Behavioral Managed Care - Friend or Foe?

We realize many medical and mental health clinicians are frustrated with managed care. There is this assumption that managed care plans are only interested in restricting or refusing services to gain profits. There are many arguments and philosophies that could be discussed regarding this topic but the reality is, whether we “like or dislike” managed care, it is here. This is the system that we have to work with and managed care continues to grow.

Today more than: three-quarters of commercially insured persons, 12 percent of Medicare beneficiaries, and almost 40 percent of Medicaid beneficiaries get their health coverage from managed care enterprises. The State of Florida recently signed a waiver with the federal government to start Medicaid Managed Care Programs. Michigan has had Medicaid Managed Care for 10 years. Medicare enrollees in Managed Care Systems continue to increase as well. Our elders and disabled populations who are insured through Medicare will be choosing Medicare Prescription Drug Plans that are distributed through Managed Care Organizations in the next couple of months.

How do we learn to navigate the system and work within the system to get our patients and clients what they need?


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