Food for Thought - Service

Car after car after car…..pass as I drive the two lane highway. The cars are filled with people, locked in metal boxes with the illusion of separateness and detachment. We drive, thinking we are alone, with very little interest or awareness of anything else. Being in existence means we are in service to each other. When we breathe, we are in service to the plants as the plants are to us. As we drive in our metal boxes, are we aware that the box is servicing us and we service it with gas, tires, driving safely, etc.? We are often providing service with little awareness.

Interface strives to provide Service with intention and awareness to this connectedness that exists. We are profoundly aware how our attitudes, interactions and behaviors affect the Service we provide. There is this continuous giving, assisting, and receiving that occur.

Service is the foundation; without service what would there be?


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