High Risk Caller - Creative Process

My partner has this format down. The free flowing, anecdotal style of educating, entertaining, training and informing is not usually my teaching approach. I am the analytical writer, the theorist, statistician, process and procedure, policy-minded educator, “just the facts” type. But I too am interested in growing, stretching, learning, and taking new risks as a person, clinician, educator and individual.

Mental health seminar and workshop training is the topic most every day with us. Up early, log on, review email and task lists, arouse the creative ideas from the night before and begin crafting those ideas onto paper, PowerPoint and brochures, etc. It is exhilarating sometimes to take that creative energy and begin to form it into something meaningful and useful so colleagues, students, agencies will find value in the content. Some days it flows non-stop; some days there is very little inspiration.

Several years ago a suicide triage training project was developed. I remember Stephanie saying “this is way ahead of it’s time”. I put little stock in what she said at the time; I tried a little marketing but was easily thwarted. After all, I am a clinician by trade not a marketing specialist. The project lay dormant for the last few years until more recently, for whatever reason, we blew the dust off it and started breathing life back into it. Funny how things work; how things have a time, a place, and a purpose. The idea of developing a telemental health seminar, designed to assist medical and/or mental health providers in dealing with High Risk Callers, came out of the old creation and has started evolving into something even better.

Now we are giving of ourselves so others may benefit from this cutting edge, telemental health evolution in both the medical and mental health arenas. Creating educational, interesting, thought-provoking and inspiring seminars is both challenging and exciting. High Risk Callers will change the way the healthcare system will assess and assist these individuals so they are appropriately serviced; in the past these callers generally “slipped through the cracks” as we say in the mental healthcare industry. These callers are the suicidal, paranoid, threatening/hostile, child abuse, intoxicated and domestic violence callers. They are the outliers; the challenging types; the ones that bring out our insecurities as professionals.

Well its 8:00 am and time to get busy. Hope today brings with it more creative thoughts and ideas how to organize our information in a way our colleagues will connect to us and our message. Getting the information to them is vital so that they might use it to benefit others. Hope we can make a difference.

“Where your talents and the world’s needs cross, there lies your vocation” - Aristotle


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