Thoughts are Things

Thoughts are Things

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Albert Einstein

One of the core beliefs of the “new” spirituality is that your thoughts create your reality. What most people don’t realize is that this principle is also core to quantum mechanics.

The Spiritual Principle

This spiritual principle says that any picture that we hold in our mind’s eye, and become emotionally involved with, is what we attract to ourselves. It’s as if this crystal clear picture, imbued with intense emotion, sends out invisible signals that attract what is in that picture to us. This is like starting a new hobby you’re excited about and suddenly meeting people involved in that hobby everywhere you go, or starting a new project and finding all sorts of synchronicities that help you on your way – things you could never have planned or organized.

Simply wishing for something isn’t enough – you still have to act to receive it. This doesn’t mean mapping out every step of the way. It means being passionately focused on the goal, and taking the first step as a leap of faith, trusting that the second step will appear when you are ready.
The double-edged sword here is that the emotion imprinted on the picture in your mind’s eye can be something engaging like passion or excitement, or it can be defensive, such as fear or anger. Both emotions work just as well. It’s only important that we imbue the picture with emotional intensity.

Napoleon Hill interviewed the 500 most successful people of his time for his book, Think and Grow Rich – people including Thomas Eddison, Henry Ford, and Theodore Roosevelt. He found that these are the absolute laws that built their success, not what is taught in business schools.

So why doesn’t everybody easily get what they want?

1. You have to have an absolute core connection to your purpose to make this principle work.
2. Many people are focused on what they fear or don’t want, as opposed to what they want, and keep attracting that.
3. You have to be almost obsessively focused on your goal – a ‘burning desire’ as Napoleon Hill put it. Most people flit from thought to thought without a single clear sense of what they want. They may desire one thing on the drive to work, another at lunch and others later in the day. There’s no consistent focus.
4. It’s critical that you focus on what you give in exchange for your goal, not just on what you want. Most people focus on what they want, not on how they will serve/give value to others to obtain it.
5. You have to take the first step, not plan out the whole route. At the heart of this principle is the belief that you will attract to you resources you could never have coordinated to attain your goal.

This principle can seem pretty "out there", but it’s actually quite congruent with the principles of quantum mechanics. Unfortunately, most people are ‘programmed’ with an earlier understanding of how the universe works, based on primitive principles such as Newton’s understanding of physics. This old system of ‘determinism’ goes back hundreds of years and so has pervaded our culture and understanding of how we think things work. It’s quite wrong, but the discoveries from quantum mechanics are less than a century old, and haven’t yet pervaded our everyday understanding.

When you start to examine smaller and smaller components of matter, such as subatomic elementary particles, Newtonian physics and determinism fall apart and don’t work. Late in 1927, the world’s leading physicists gathered at the 5th Solvay Conference to develop the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, the root of quantum physics. This is when the world changed.

Quantum physics governs the particles that make up every part of you and of the universe. Some of the core principles are:
  1. You simply cannot know everything – in fact, it is impossible to do so. The more absolutely you know one thing, the less certain you are about others.
  2. You cannot predict individual events – you can only predict probabilities of events happening.
  3. Conscious attention (i.e.: the scientist/observer watching) changes the results.
    Many subatomic particles only appear when the scientist looks for them. The rest of the time, the universe acts as if they exist, but they’re really not there.

As Gary Zukav wrote in The Dancing Wu Li Masters, "according to quantum mechanics, there is no such thing as objectivity. We cannot eliminate ourselves from the picture… Physics is the study of the structure of consciousness."

Chrysalis Performance Strategies 2002.


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