Git 'Er Done

Making lifestyle changes is not always easy, especially the stopping of certain self-destructive behaviors such as overeating, alcohol and drug use, excessive spending, and staying in destructive relationships. Behaviors such as these are “habitual”, meaning they occur repeatedly often without much conscious thought given to the activity. The longer they go on, the harder to extinguish them or replace them with more healthy activities. It is safe to say that we engage in some of these behaviors as a mechanism of coping with internal insecurities or outside emotional stress and though some of us may realize these actions are unhealthy, it can be a struggle to do otherwise. The old saying, “we are creatures of habit” could have no greater relevance than in describing some of these type of behavior patterns.

As the title suggests to “Git ‘Er Done” is a tongue-in-check way of saying, just get going on making the behavior changes you need that will lead to healthier living. As not to seem insensitive or that just like that, a snap of your fingers and every self- destructive behavior is gone, but to some extent making a conscious, goal-directed, New Years resolving effort to modify 1 or more of these behaviors is how we break habitual behavior cycles and start replacing them with other adaptive behavior patterns.

So since many of us attribute New Years resolutions to a time when we set these goals for behavior changes into the next calendar year, make a simple plan to modify 1-2 behaviors you think are contributing to your poor physical, emotional, financial or spiritual health and Git ‘Er Done! Check out WEBMD for some specific healthy change ideas Make 2005 New Year's Resolutions a Reality


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