Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Helping people to become empowered and effective in the management of their own emotional well-being is not a novel idea. Taking responsibility for one’s own life, being accountable, “taking the bull by the horns”, however we say being the master of one’s own destiny, the principles and techniques contained with the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model can assist all individuals become better able to understand, recognize and intervene in the management of their own life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is becoming an evidence-based treatment practice in the treatment of depression, anxiety, substance abuse and other mental health illnesses as well.

The Beck Institute in Pennsylvania, pioneered by Aaron Beck the founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, continues to research, teach and train clinicians in CBT worldwide. The fundamental principles of CBT can help individuals “learn” how to identify certain maladaptive thoughts & emotions, analyze these thoughts & feelings to recognize them as maladaptive, develop tools/skills to modify their thinking and consequently implement more adaptive/healthy behaviors are some general key concepts of CBT. Visit their website for more information. Beck Institute.


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