One Man's Medicine is another Man's Poison

As is the case with most things, too much of a good thing can become unhealthy. In the case of prescription medications for the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and other impulse-control disorders, medications like Ritalin, Metadate, Strattera and Adderall have become popular and effective in the treatment of these disorders. These amphetamine-derived substances have a paradoxical or opposite effect on people that truly suffer from attention and impulse control deficits, acting to calm, focus and regulate their hyperactive behaviors and attention to tasks. When used responsibly many individuals are able to function more effectively and productively in their work, school and relationships.

On the other hand, when medications such as these are inappropriately used, taken to achieve the true amphetamine response, it can become dangerous and contribute to a more habitual pattern of substance abuse. View this recent article with regard to Adderall in particular and the phenomenon occurring on some college campuses. Prescription for Abuse


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