Societal Impact of Mental Illness

The National Institute of Mental Health provides research data on the impact of mental illness on “established market economies”. The data expresses impact in terms of the economic consequences due to mental illness and associated mortality and disability. The findings of this research project mortality and disability until the year 2020.


  • Major depression is the leading cause of disability (measured by the number of years lived with a disabling condition) worldwide among persons age 5 and older.

  • For women throughout the world as well as those in established market economies, depression is the leading cause of DALYs. In established market economies, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are also among the top 10 causes of DALYs for women.

DALYS refer to Daily Adjusted Life Years. DALYs measure lost years of healthy life regardless of whether the years were lost to premature death or disability. Various mental health diagnoses are considered in relation to this measurement.

For further explanation and review of detailed findings, link to: NIMH


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