Stronger label warnings for Psychostimulants?

Stronger label warnings for Psychostimulants (drugs used in the treatment of ADHD)?

The consensus move by the Food and Drug Administration's pediatric advisory committee leaves in doubt whether the agency will require the so-called "black-box" labels on the drugs, which include Ritalin. The panel, in simply recommending easier-to-understand language on the labels, broke with another committee that had recommended last month that the drugs include the more dire warnings.

There were over 90 studies indicating symptoms of visual and tactile hallucinations in children after starting these medications as well as studies indicating the possible risk to the cardiovascular system. These concerns would seem logical for this class of drugs, stimulants. There seems to have been different points of view about the dangers of these medications and the research presented. Last month a FDA committee proposed the use of the strongest labeling. For now there will be an easier -to- understand labeling on the packaging.

Bare in mind, an accurate diagnosis of this disorder and thorough assessment with a combination of behavioral management and medication has been documented as the “best-practice” for treatment of ADHD. But before we get to treatment, lets make sure we have completed an accurate assessment!


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