Let's Chat!

University of Michigan Brairwood Clinic, Henry Ford Health System, The Wall Street Journal, Cigna Healthcare..Come on...What are you waiting for?

Over the last couple of weeks we have continued to see the flood of medical facilities (physicians, clinics, hospitals and home health care) providing Online Medical Consultations, Webvisits, E-scripts and general medical care. Cigna Healthcare Insurance has been encouraged by Cisco in California to pay for online health services. Cigna has agreed to reimburse online medical and behavioral health services.

Online behavioral health services have been around for several years but have been seen as a adjunct to face to face services at best and at worst seen as unlicensed charlatans. There are many reparable online therapy services with codes of ethics and guidelines for online services with consent for treatment.

Counseling Connections is an Online mental health service that is not waiting! Counseling Connections provides E-therapy, E-counseling, Chat and phone therapy. The newer technologies are opening up doors to providing services to people. People, employees and businesses are demanding these services!

So come on…what are you waiting for?....


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