Sexual Addiction

Sex sells! Sex excites! Sex get people's attention! Sex motivates! Sex is normal! Sex is connecting!

Sex addiction has become more and more prevalent due to easy access to pornography on the internet. Treatment for sexual compulsive behaviors are often similar to other addictive behaviors and compulsions. There are 12 step groups to assist people with sexual addictions. Therapist indicate like other addictive behaviors the first step is acknowledgement of the problem and a willingness to do something about it. A therapist may assist the patient in understanding and expressing feelings because like most addictions sexual addictions are used to numb the self from feelings. Therapist assist patients in understanding what triggers these behaviors.

Sexual addictions can be as destructive to families and relationships as other addictions such as alcoholism, gambling, etc. Often times sexual addictions can interfere with healthy sex lives and exposure of children to unhealthy sexual outlets. See the link above to read an article in Therapy Today addressing this addiction and others.


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