Creative Forces

The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it. Carl Rogers

Creativity is like the sea; ever moving, ebbing and flowing. At times, article ideas for our blogs come very spontaneously; other times it is a struggle to identify and develop relevant and interesting topic pieces. Of late, the creative energy seems to have washed out to sea, being pushed and pulled somewhere at the mercy of other forces, unsure when it will wash ashore again.

Speaking of the sea; we love the sea, its mystery and majesty, its calming influence and its unbridled movement. Amidst it’s mystery contains a quiet yet powerful life force, it’s ever moving and changing forces affect us individually and the earth it touches. On a scale of lesser grandeur, so goes our professional creativity. At times the energy is high and its impact obvious. We can touch individual minds and in turn, perhaps, influence the world in a greater way.

As unpredictable is the sea, so uncertain is our creative force. Perhaps soon, the creative tide will surge again.

Keep watching…….


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