Increase Psychotherapy and Decrease in Medications for Treating Depression in the UK

The UK Health Secretary – Patricia Hewitt announced on 4/16/06 that people suffering from depression in the UK will have better access to psychotherapy. The UK has been using anti-depressants as the first line there for people with mild to moderate depression despite the research indicating that the use of psychotherapies such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) provide excellent results and may assist people with new coping skills and ways of thinking that may decrease the likelihood of a relapse. The combination of medication and psychotherapy as treatment for depression has increased efficiency. People who are healthier have a better work history and people who are employed have a better health history. What are the real costs?

In the UK it appears they have been using “medications only” for what Hewitt calls the, “quick fix solution”. It’s also the “cheaper” solution, but they are now trying to pilot using both or just psychotherapy, hmmm... What about the US? Where are we on this continuum?


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