Teens, Cutting and the Internet

A study by Cornell University published in the May 2006 special issue of Development Psychology on use of the Internet by children and adolescents. The study indicates that message boards and some teen-oriented blog providers have been providing a different type of outlet and support system for teenagers. These spaces have become one of the primary places for teens to socialize. Teens who may be more socially withdrawn in a school situation may feel more willing to discuss emotions and cutting behaviors.

Researchers have found that the internet provides a safer space for teens to talk about a secretive behavior but also maybe increase other teens curiosity to the phenomena. Teens discuss experiences, encouragement, triggers, concealment and at times methods.

As clinicians, we have found that self-injurious behaviors have become more prevalent among teenagers the past couple of years. These behaviors in the past have been indicative of serious emotional disturbances but as Hollywood Stars (Angelina Jolie and others) acknowledge their experience with this behavior the more young people are becoming aware of cutting. There is some increased level of acceptance of this maladaptive behavior. I hope this "fad" comes and goes quickly for the sake of our children.


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