Lexapro Goes Generic!

On May 22, 2006, The Food and Drug Administration approved 5, 10 and 20 milligram doses of the drug, also called escitalopram oxalate, for the treatment of major depression. Lexapro is one of the most widely used antidepressants in America, second only to Zoloft. Ivax Corp. of Miami, part of Israel's Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., becomes the first company cleared to make a generic version of the prescription drug.

Depression is extremely costly to individuals, families, communities and the economy both financially and mentally. Depression is a common yet serious illness and if clients have access to treatments, such as medication and psychotherapies, it is very treatable. Due to the high cost of medications, crisis in our health care systems and the high cost of insurance, people will often forego seeking the treatment they need. This can cost us all in many ways! Generic Lexapro may be one more step toward making mental health care affordable.


Anonymous said…
My name is Lucas Sneed and i would like to show you my personal experience with Lexapro.

I am 39 years old. Have been on Lexapro for 3 years now. Went through a phase in life where I lost my job and was under-employed for a couple of years. Had descended to an all time low in self-loathing. Doc intially placed me on Welbutrine, which made me un-motived and essentially a disinterested by-stander in the story that is my life. Switched me over to 10mg dose of Lexapro, which has never increased. I now have a job I love (OK, like) and do not worry about the future. I continue to take Lexapro, as I said I am not as easy going if I miss several doses. My wife can tell when I am off of it, as little things will drive me nuts: barking dogs, annoying habits of others, other drivers, belligerent children...the usual list of suspects. My mother's side of the family is full of passionate, emotional rage machines, so it is a genetic thing or I am a product of the environment in which I spent my formative years. When I am on it I am calm cool and in control. Have notfound it to be physically addictive nor experienced any side effects.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Uneven temperment, lack of patience if I skip several doses.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Lucas Sneed

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