High Risk Mental Health Emergenices - "How To" Assessment & Intervention Techniques

Someone is in a mental health crisis – and it’s up to you to appropriately assess and intervene. What do you do? Do you avoid and have someone else step in? Second guess yourself? Grasp for an avenue that is safe but less than optimal?

Don’t let feelings of anxiety, frustration and helplessness impede your professional effectiveness. Craig Judd, a nationally-know author, practitioner and speaker will draw on more than 20 years of mental health experience to hone your skills and make you feel more confident as you respond, plan and detail the intervention strategy.

Craig, co-founder of Interface Consultation Services, will be presenting this seminar in the Fort Wayne and Indianapolis area on October 26 & 27. This day-long seminar is suited to mental health clinicians, school counselors, social workers, case managers, addiction counselors, nurses, emergency responders and all others that directly encounter mental health emergencies.

Check PESI for seminar details, exact locations and other dates for this seminar. Search for “high risk mental health”. See you there.


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