Cognitive Function Boosted by Folic Acid Supplements

By Crystal PhendReviewed by Rubeen K. Israni, M.D., Fellow, Renal-Electrolyte and Hypertension Division, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Jan 19, 2007

WAGENINGEN, The Netherlands, Jan. 19 -- Folic acid supplementation appears to improve cognitive function, particularly memory, among older adults with poor folate status, Dutch researchers said.
Three years of daily 800 ?g folic acid orally bestowed on patients the equivalent of a 4.7- to 6.9 years of younger memory, reported Jane Durga, Ph.D., of Wageningen University here, and colleagues, in the Jan. 20 issue of The Lancet.
These results follow on the heels of an observational study in New York that found a weak link between higher folate levels and a lowered risk of Alzheimer's disease in older Americans.

more....... by the Psychiatric Times

  • Explain to interested patients that folic acid supplementation may benefit cognitive function among older adults who have poor folate status.
  • Inform interested patients that in the United States, where grain is fortified with folic acid, less than 1% of the population may have inadequate folate status


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