Did You Know? Universal Healthcare Gaining Ground

The drumbeat is getting louder: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Illinois, San Francisco (and possibly California) took action on the issue of covering the uninsured this year, gaining traction for reforms that might have been shot down with little comment a few years ago. Among the highest-profile changes is taking place in Massachusetts, where legislators are looking at a mix of Medicaid expansion efforts, required purchase of insurance and employer incentives to fund health coverage for all citizens. Other states, such as Illinois and Maryland, are considering related measures.

Meanwhile, interest in a federal universal healthcare measure seems to be rising. For example, a universal coverage plan by Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, which would call for offering access through a pool of private insurance plans, has attracted some support from both conservative and liberal legislators. While Wyden's plan may not be the horse that crosses the finish line, it seems likely that there will be some significant federal health access reforms, so fasten your seat belt. This will be a critical issue to track in the coming year!


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