Methamphetamine Cravings Persist, Remain Intense, Well Into Abstinence

Medscape Article...

A study presented at the American Academy for Addiction Psychiatry 20th Annual Meeting conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles found that average levels of cravings and psychopathology had decreased after 2 weeks for methamphetamine dependent individuals who were abstaining from use. Conversely, up to 30% continued to have significant depressive, mood and psychotic symptoms 5 weeks post use. These finding point to the difficulties of breaking the cycle of addiction to Methamphetamines.

It is likely that even if someone has been abstaining for 5 weeks that they may show significant psychopathology that maybe more related to Amphetamine Dependence than to a co-morbid Mood or Psychotic Disorder. This information is useful as clinicians assess patients to understand the etiologies of symptoms and more accurately diagnose and treat individuals.

See the article link above for more details....


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