DSM V Changes

The fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders will be updated and published in May 2013.

There are several proposed changes:

Proposed to delete Aspergers Disorder and include it in Autism Spectrum Disorders

More stringent criteria for diagnosis of Bipolar in children and proposed new diagnosis of Temper Dysregulation Disorder.

Proposed additions to Somatoform Disorders:

"Abridged Somatization Disorder" 4 unexplained somatic conditions in men and 6 in women

"Multisomatoform Disorder" at least 3 unexplained somatic concerns from the PRIME-MD for at least 2 year of active symptoms.

Changes in the way Personality Disorders are assessed and diagnosed.
proposal to return Depressive Personality Disorder and Negativistic (Passive-Aggressive) Personality Disorder. There is also some discussion about changing the name of Borderline Personality Disorder and changing it from Axis II to Axis I disorder.

Listen to NPR regarding Bipolar Changes.


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